Photo by David DelaGardelle of Cedarlore Forge. Learn the art and craft of blade smithing by supporting Cedarlore on Patreon.
Photo by David DelaGardelle of Cedarlore Forge. Learn the art and craft of blade smithing by supporting Cedarlore on Patreon.
Ryan Dunlap in costume, photo by Crystal Rain Seim, sword by David DelaGardelle of Cedarlore Forge
Erik Yeager and David DelaGardelle had the opportunity to discuss The Narrow Road novel and movie with Beau and JD on the Country Squire Radio Show this morning. Please check out the show, and the Country Squire Radio Show. We appreciate this opportunity!
I have a couple of exciting Narrow Road updates to share with you! First, The Narrow Road has been reviewed by The Dove Foundation Review Board and is now recommended family entertainment by The Dove Foundation! Here’s the review: http://www.dove.org/review/10277-the-narrow-road-a-pilgrims-progress-novel/. The mission of the Dove Foundation is “To encourage and promote the creation, production, distribution and consumption of wholesome family entertainment.” You can learn more about the Dove Foundation here: http://www.dove.org/
Second, The Narrow Road novel is now available for sale to the public in Hardcover and Paperback editions, with eBooks to follow in the near future! Currently for sale on Lulu.com, the novel will soon be available to purchase through most major online book retailers, like Amazon.com and BN.com. Here are links to the current sales pages:
Thank you so much for your continued support! If you’ve read and enjoyed The Narrow Road, please consider taking the time to rate and review the novel on Lulu.com. If you haven’t enjoyed the novel, please don’t feel obligated. 🙂
Thanks to our Kickstarter campaign and support surrounding it, we’ve already sold more than 200 copies of the novel. Please spread the word and share the product links to help us sell even more books in order help us make The Narrow Road movie a reality.
With great appreciation,
Erik Yeager